Sunday, April 24, 2016

Trip Anxiety

T-7 days until my adventure in Laos begins.  Its amazing how fast this trip came up and I still can't believe I am going to work at a hospital halfway around the world for a month.  My co-worker and I have been talking about it and I have slowly been laying out the stuff I might need but now its time to pack for real.  The good news is since we are staying in a relative large city of 50K people, I am hoping I will be able to get things I might forget here, although I am pretty sure there is no Target down the road.

We got out schedules the other day and turns out the jet lag won't me as much of an issue as I though since half my time will be on overnights.  I guess it will make FaceTime with family and friends easier.  The biggest bummer is Anna and I never seem to be in the same place at the hospital.  At least we are staying in the same guesthouse so we will be seeing each other.

I have managed to make an incredible list of medications to take with me just in case and my dresser looks like a mini pharmacy.  I am nervous about getting sick after my last medical mission trip where I had to come home 2 weeks early due to illness.  While this trip is very different (not in the desert, electricity and running water everywhere) this is probably my biggest source of anxiety.

There are just a few more things to buy before my trip and then its off on a crazy adventure.    I look forward to keeping everyone updated on my adventures here and will be trying to post often with pictures.

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