Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Time Flies

Emergency Department
3 weeks down at the hospital 1 week to go.  Before we head back to the US though, we are headed to Phuket for some fun in the sun and relaxation.  No really exciting adventures here in the last few days as Anna is working nights and I have been working days.  We are just ships passing along the road while we bike.

Kaung Si Waterfall
The hospital has been busy with lots of unique pathology we do not see in the US.  The first case of malaria since our arrival
was this week (we are taking our anti-malaria meds and using bug spray).  I have learned a lot about beriberi, something I remember from medical school and the boards but has never seen in the US.  I am also brushing up on my inpatient management skills since most of the time I am working on the inpatient wards.  The ED is usually not very busy.
The soon to be opened nursery
 Kaung SiWaterfall
Part of the goal of coming to Laos was to exchange information with the local physicians.  I have learned a lot about tropical medicine while I have been here and really enjoyed working with the Lao doctors.  As part of the exchange, visiting physicians are asked to give lectures every week.  This week was sedation week here which Anna and I identified as an area for improvement on our arrival. There are many kids with burns and broken bones who need sedation for their procedures.  Most of the medications we use in the US are here but the comfort with using the drugs is not the same.  We have implemented the idea of a "Time-out" here which is part of every procedure back home.  It seems to be well received.  Anna and I have both given lectures on the different sedation drugs as well.  I am hoping that some of the patient safety we have taught will stay and improve the care of the local children.
Children along the Mekong

This has been a challenging trip at time but full of awesome adventures and meeting a lot of new people.  The group who work at the hospital could not be more fun or caring.  All of us from the US are Midwesterners so we have bonded over cornfields and big 10 sports.  I have made new friends from across the world who I hope to see again after we leave and would absolutely be up for coming to work at the hospital again.

That is about all for now. I have added some of the awesome picture we a have taken during our trip so far.

Laura and Anna

Kaung Si Waterfall

Fisherman along the Mekong
Sunset on Mekong

Riding elephants

Giving of Alms to the Monks, a daily tradition
one of the numerous Temples

Picking Indigo for dying

Nam Khan River

Riding to the Elephant
Sunset Over Luang Prabang

Tad Si Waterfall basin
Sunset ontop Mt Phousy

Boat Ride to the Tad Si Waterfall

From the middle of the Kaung Si waterfall

Working hard at the hospital
Nahm Ou River

Anna Diving and me attempting Yoga

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